Sunday, March 11, 2007


eggy dear asked me wat do i mean on my previous post?? seriously i dun really know. i rememer one my friend telling me abt tat. Is that all couples hang on to the r/s bcos they're used to each other's companion, presence and not bcos of the love they've developed for the past x no. of yrs? I've been pondering about this for quite some times. If u're going to Japan, this will be a test given to both of us. Whether this r/s will maintain, actually depends on this trip. Why do i say so ?? cos .. i won't be able to depend on u for many things. u won't be able to company me... it's a short period of time though. i really wonder wat's the outcome will be.

可能, 我真得会不习惯吧!! 可是我不能这样自私,把你留在我的身边。这可是一个很好的机会!不是每个人能踏出新加坡,吸取经验。一旦我找到工作,就不会这样闷了吧。
。。。。。。 。。。。。

先不说这些事,你都还没去interview。等到tuesday再说吧。 希望你能慎重地consider.

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